(1960, Japan) color/animated 88 minutes
Toei Doga Ltd.
Original story: Wu Cheng'en (from his novel "His-yu chi"/"Journey to the West")
Story by Keinisuke Uegusa
Adaptation: Hideyuki Takahashi, Goro Kontaibo
Screenplay: Osamu Tezaka
Music by Ryoichi Hattori
Cinematography: Harusato Otsuka, Komei Ishikawa, Kenji Sugiyama, Seigo Otsuka
Produced by Hiroshi Okawa
Directed by Taiji Yabushita, Osamu Tezuka, Daisaku Shirakawa
English-Language Version:
(1961) American International Pictures / Alta Vista Productions 82 minutes
Executive Producers: James H. Nicholson, Samuel Z. Arkoff
Screenplay: Lou Rusoff, Lee Kresel
Editing: Salvatore Billitteri, Laurette Odney
Music: Les Baxter
Produced by Lou Rusoff
Directed by Lee Kresel
Narrated by Sterling Holloway
voices: Frankie Avalon (Alakazam), Peter Fernandez (Alakazam, uncredited), DeeDee (Dodie Stevens), Sir Quigley Brokenbottom (Jonathan Winters), LuliPopo ( Arnold Stang), Jackie Joseph (Queen Gruesome, uncredited)
SYNOPSIS: Far off in magical Majutsu Land live the greatest magicians in the universe! The supreme wizard extraordinaire, King Amo, his queen Ama, and their son, Prince Ahmed. One day, the Magi witness the birth of the new king of the beasts on Earth; a tiny little monkey named Alakazam!
As little Alakazam walks towards his destiny, we see he is actually afraid of everything, even tiny bugs and spiders! A girl monkey approaches, and laughs at him. He yells at the poor girl until she cries. Then the two of them romp together through the woods.
Alakazam reveals his doubt and fear to DeeDee, his new companion; he doesn't know if he can survive the treacherous spiritual journey which all adepts must make before becoming the King of the Beasts!
Indeed, as they approach the terrific waterfall which is the first leg of the spiritual journey, all comers chicken out before attempting the surely-fatal leap. Summoning all his strength, Alakazam jumps into the churning water. He awakens in front of a magnificent Japanese temple. Back on the cliff, everyone worries about Alakazam's fate, but he soon bobs to the surface with a plaque, proof that he made it to "the other side".
Later, we find that Alakazam has indeed become king, only to discover that he iis bored, rude, even insolent! He has quickly tired of his lavish feasts and dancing girls, and has become arrogant and jaded.
Alakazam asks DeeDee about a poster on the palace wall; DeeDee explains that it is a picture of Merlin the Magician, the smartest creature in the world! Alakazam insists that he is more powerful than that detestable human being!

Sleeping in his hammock later, Alakazam suffers a nightmare vision of being imprisoned and tortured by these so-called gods. He decides that he must find Merlin, and learn how to steal his magic powers! DeeDee begs him to be satisfied with his present lot, but the arrogant monkey-king will have none of it.
After a long and arduous trek across mountain ranges, Alakazam arrives at the doors to Merlin's palace. Rejected by the guard, Alakazam sneaks in through a window, startling the adept. Alakazam insists that Merlin takes him on as a pupil. Merlin refuses to be bullied, and Alakazam runs off with Merlin's sacred book of magic. Merlin, caught in a trap, agrees to teach Alakazam his secrets, but warns the callous lad he will live to regret it!
However, Alakazam learns well, and soon, Merlin graduates him. He warns the young monkey king to only use his incredible new power for good, but Alakazam is seduced into arrogance with his new-found powers.
We soon learn that poor DeeDee has made the long journey to the magic temple, to discover Alakazam's fate. A surprised Alakazam greets DeeDee warmly. DeeDee offers Alakazam chestnuts as a girt, but he arrogantly refuses them; he can make his own if he so desires! He sings DeeDee a song of his magical prowess. Alakazam then announces he is off to challenge the king of the magicians: King Amo of Majutsu Land!
Alakazam arrives at Majutsu Land, and starts to steal the forbidden fruit. The celestial police are sent out in their cloud-cars to capture this brazen thief of the most holy substance. Alakazam turns himself into a whole army of clones to fight the cops, but he is felled by nonetheless! Next, the famed strongman Hercules is summoned to fight Alakazam, and the two turn into various creatures in an attempt to outdo one another.
Finally, Alakazam meets King Amo. Alakazam does his best to show Amo his magic, and he runs to what he thinks is a new planet, but it is merely Amo's outstretched hand! Thus humbled, Amo announces that Alakazam has lost and is now Amo's prisoner!
Amo imprisons Alakazam in a mountain cave, until the monkey king learns how to control his magic, and his ego. Time passes. The snows fall. Alakazam shivers in his dungeon. He attempts to summon a fire, but he has lost his power. He cannot even summon food for himself!
Someone calls for him; it is DeeDee, who has come to see him. She is sad to see him humbled so. She brings food, but Alakazam is still so arrogant, he refuses, saying he can manifest food any time he desires! DeeDee pleads with Alakazam to change his ways, but he is not ready to hear the truth. After DeeDee leaves, Alakazam eats the fruit anyway, as he is starving.
DeeDee returns later with more fruit during a blizzard, and Alakazam takes her hand; surely he has learned the value of kindness. Next day, during a raging blizzard, DeeDee tries to reach Alakazam with more fruit, but she falters, and almost freezes to death. Alakazam pleads with the Magi to help her. The Queen appears, and agrees to help, but only if he agrees to embark on a spiritual journey to learn humility, mercy and wisdom, along with her son, Prince Ahmed. Soon, Prince Ahmed arrives, and releases Alakazam from prison. The two start out on their treacherous journey.
Alakazam turns out to be as belligerent as before, and he tries to beat up the Prince, the Prince sends a golden ring around his head; it attaches itself and won't come off. He sends electroshock through Alakazam's head. The Prince asks Alakazam if he has had enough; reluctantly he accepts the chastizement. Ahmed and Alakazam leave, as DeeDee wistfully waves goodbye.
Soon, the group come to a little town, where the monster Sir Quigley Brokenbottom is scheduled to marry a pretty young slave girl. Alakazam turns into a flirty young doppelganger of the young geisha and tries to dissuade the suitor with various tricks. Soon, Alakazam reveals himself, and the two have a fierce battle.
Sir Quigley retreats to his demonic lair, where he and Fester, an imp of King Gruesome, plot their next move. Soon Alakazam arrives, and does battle with various demon warriors. Using a secret weapon, Alakazam is sucked into a bottle, and the cork is tipped. He begins to melt. He turns into a fly, drills a hole in the bottle, and escapes.

Alakazam tricks Quigley into fetching some chocolate grasshopper stew, and a stalagmite falls on him on the way. Alakazam turns into Quigley. Gruseome's demons, Herman and Vermin are almost sucked into the devil bottle themselves.
Soon, poor Alakazam is thrust into a deep pit to do battle with Wilbur, a horrible giant scorpion monster! Alakazam manages to trick Wilbur into stinging himself, and the beast dies of its own venom.
Next, Alakazam manages to trick Herman and Vermin into the devil bottle. Alakazam is about to stomp Quigley to death, when the sweet words of DeeDee come to haunt him; "learn mercy and spare him".
Alakazam insists that as he spared Quigley, he must now join the others on their journey. Quigley agrees. Fester overhears this, and reports back to King Gruesome via his ultra-modern tele-screen.
The caravan moves on, with Fester trailing along behind, unbeknownst to the gang. Fester soon kidnaps the Prince, and ties him up. Fester and Alakazam fight. The Prince is finally freed. That night, Alakazam summons the ghost of his dearly missed DeeDee, and they share a blissful moment before Fester intervenes with his occult shenanigans.
The next day, all suffer as they traverse the scorching desert; the troupe are dying of thirst. They spot an oasis up ahead, but alas, it is a mirage. They soon stumble upon an ancient castle, which appears to be abandoned. It is actually the dreaded Castle No-Hope-O, run by Lulipopo, a desert demon!
Soon, the evil Lulipopo has trapped our friends at the dinner table. After a long battle, Lulipopo escapes with the Prince in tow. Lulipop eats a magic apple, which turns into Alakazam, who then causes the demon such gastrointestinal distress, he releases his prisoner!
Alakazam makes a deal with Lulipop; if he lets the monster live, will he join them on their quest? Lulipopo has no choice but to join them, and soon, the expanded entourage is on its way again. Fester follows, not far behind, and keeps in touch with his master on their advanced telecommunicator.
Soon, our heroes have safely passed through the deadly desert, and are on their way to climb the treacherous mountain range. Fester tries to spark some infighting amongst our friends, but to no avail. Soon, our group has reached the peak of the mountains.
King Gruesome, determined to stop these spiritual warriors at all costs, unleashes a mammoth volcano, which threatens to boil our intrepid heroes away in lava! The resourceful group hide in a cave, and try to escape the approaching flames.
Lulipopo attempts to tunnel beneath the earth, while a rabbit friend shows the gang the way to an immense fan which King Gruesome has, a fan which can cool off the volcano's flames in no time!
King Gruesome decides to attack the heroes himself, and bids adieu to his sexy wife, who demands that he bring back a mink stole for her long-suffering! She also keeps the magic fan, to Alakazam and Quigley's dismay. They decide to impersonate Quigley and try to get it back, but as they attempt to steal a kiss from their enemie's wife, they blow their cover, and are run out by demons.
They were, however, able to snatch the magic fan! Alakazam gives the fan to Prince Ahmed, but alas, it turns out to be the demon Fester in disguise! Fester waves the fan, and turns Alakazam into ice! Luckily, Alakazam falls into the pool of molten lava, and thaws out just in time to meet with Lulipopo. They set out to find the prince.
Meanwhile, in King Gruesome's occult lair, an orgy is taking place; all the demons dance and sing. Soon, the Prince and Quigley are lowered by ropes over a fiery pit as Lulipopo and Alakazam dig furiously to get there in time.
Fester demands his reward from King Gruesome, but the bully demon renegs on his sinister promise; the madman imprisons the imp in a bottle. The Prince and Quigley are almost boiled to death, hanging mere inches above the bubbling pit of lava.
Lulipopo and Alakazam drill into King Gruesome's lair just in time. They find Fester, and release him. Betrayed by his evil master, Fester now vows to help Alakazam and the others. Alakazam has mercy on the little imp, and he is freed.
In thanks, Fester gives Alakazam a magic potion that he feels will restore his magic. Just as the ropes are about to be cut, Alakazam intervenes, and sends the executioner instead diving into the fire.
All of Gruesome's demons mount an all-out attack on our friends. King Gruesome turns himself into a charging bull, and tries to mow Alakazam down. Meanwhile, Quigley and Lulipopo trap Gruesome's meddling wife.
Alakazam and King Gruesome have a magical mid-air bullfight over the pools of molten lava. King Gruesome falls to his death in burning lava. Quigley waves the magic fan, freezing the entire dark world for eternity!
Our heroes celebrate their victory over evil, as Fester renounces his demonic ways. Soon, our group is back in Majutsu Land, being congratulated by all the wizards. Alakazam's crown of shame released, and he is a free man.
Back in Japan, Alakazam and his entourage are welcomed as heroes in a giant ticker-tape parade. Alakazam then rushes to see DeeDee, who has fallen ill. Upon seeing him, she completely recovers. He vows to be hers forever, and to make her his Queen! THE END